Welcome to Prestegårdsjordet daycare center
Prestegårdsjordet barnehage and Tyholttunet daycare center is owned by Barnehagene Prestegårdsjordet og Tyholttunet SA. We are private daycare centers, owned and managed by parents who at the moment mainly are employed at SINTEF. We are members of Private Barnehagers Landsforbund (PBL).
Prestegårdsjordet daycare center is situated next to NTNU Gløshaugen between Lerkendal and Berg student villages.
We have a maximum enrollment of 39 children, ages one to six years, in three classrooms of 12-13 children each. Each classroom has a staff of two teachers and one assistant.
Barnehagene Prestegardsjordet and Tyholttunet SA are supported by SINTEF. Children and grandchildren of SINTEF-employees have priority, but other applicants are also welcome.
Opening-hours are 7.30-16.30.
Coordinated intake
Applicants must submit an electronic application form from the web site of Trondheim municipality. In this form, up to two daycare centers can be prioritized. Only one of our daycare centers need to be listed here for the application to be registred at both daycare centers. The deadline for the main intake is March 1st. In addition, all applicants must submit a separate application form (pdf) by e-mail to post@prestegardsjordet.no.
For further information, please contact us:
Manager: Berit Lerfald Sivertsen
Phone: 73 93 73 29 /1
e-mail: post@prestegardsjordet.no